Navigating the Ever-Changing Landscape of Google Ads: What to Know

Have you been keeping track of everything this year? Taylor and Travis. Twitter is X. Universal Google Analytics is dead and gone (may it rest in peace). GA4 has been thrust upon us to our slight frustration. Cookies are going away. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay, joining its fancy new powers with things like algorithms and machine learning (ML). By combining AI and ML like chocolate and peanut butter, Google Ads has been rolling out some changes to the platform. Let’s break it down.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: The Driving Force: AI and ML are at the forefront of Google Ads’ evolution, and the changes being rolled out to the platform has us salivating for more. Right now, AI is helping us to optimize our bidding to get our clients the best ROI and ROAS for their campaigns. Google is also going to be rolling out updating targeting features which will allow us to target ads with unprecedented precision. The changes don’t stop there. Google is even integrating AI and ML into user searches and interactions within the network, creating a personalized user experience. By leveraging AI and ML, we can help create more effective and targeted campaigns, which leads to improved engagement and more conversions for your business.

New Ad Formats and Placements: Google Ads is constantly expanding its repertoire of ad formats and placements. If there’s a place to show an Ad, Google’s going to sniff it out and find it. Yes, Google introduced six-second bumper ads on YouTube, which offer a concise and impactful way to capture viewers’ attention. However, the one we’re most excited about is the Performance Max campaign. One campaign across Google Search, Display, YouTube, Gmail, and Discover. Multiple touch points across the customer journey with consistent messaging and strong CTAs? Now you’re talking our language. How could a campaign like that help meet your goals?

Privacy-First Solutions: Google claims they remain committed to protecting user privacy while still enabling effective advertising. We know cookies are going away next year. Well, to keep digital gurus like us informed, Google introduced the Privacy Hub. Privacy Hub is this centralized resource for advertisers to learn about and comply with privacy regulations. Google is also developing new privacy-enhancing technologies, such as Federated Learning, to safeguard user data while preserving the benefits of targeted advertising. What does this mean? It means we have access to the latest privacy policies, educational resources, and technology to keep your customers’ information safe and secure – building your brand’s trust and appreciation in the process.

Navigating Evolving Landscape

Hey Google, how do we adapt? Well…Thoughtfully. With purpose and backed by data.

  1. Embrace AI and ML: Look, AI and ML aren’t just buzzwords; they are transformative technologies that can significantly enhance Google Ads campaigns, and this has all just happened in the last year. We’ve embraced AI and ML tools to help us automate tasks, optimize bidding, and gain deeper insights into our target audiences for our clients.
  2. Experiment with New Ad Formats: You have to know what’s performing. We love testing ad formats against each other. Why? Because it allows us find new ways to reach and engage with our audiences. Let’s explore the potential of a Performance Max campaign and how it can help your customers along their journey.
  3. Prioritize Privacy Compliance: User privacy is paramount now more than ever. As marketers, we have a responsibility to the privacy of customers, and we must ensure our campaigns comply with evolving privacy regulations. Google’s Privacy Hub keeps us in the know.
  4. Focus on Customer Experience: Google is placing a greater emphasis on the overall customer journey and experience. That means providing creative ads that not only speak to your customers but appear at the right time with the right message. We prioritize creating ads that are relevant, engaging, and helpful. By understanding user intent, we can craft compelling ad copy, and utilize engaging visuals to create a positive user experience that drives results.

 It’s not just the Google Ads landscape that’s constantly evolving, it’s the entire digital marketing landscape. And the pace at which that landscape is evolving isn’t slowing down. In fact, there’s a good argument to be made that AI will only speed things up. Exponentially.

Just imagine what changes 2024 is going to have in store.

That’s why it’s so crucial to stay up to date on the latest changes and trends. We get it, it’s a lot. There’s a lot of jargon. But that’s why we’re here. To help you through it. To help you navigate and cut through the confusion. And to help your business meet its marketing goals. Ready to learn more? Contact us today.